S13 Ornn Upgradable Equipment List

S13 Ornn is a champion in the popular online game League of Legends who possesses the unique ability to upgrade his teammates' items. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of the equipment that can be upgraded by Ornn in the current season.

1. Infinity Edge

The Infinity Edge is a critical item for many attack damage-oriented champions. As an upgraded version, the S13 Ornn can enhance the Infinity Edge by increasing its critical strike damage and adding bonus true damage to critical strikes.

2. Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel provides a second chance at life by reviving the wearer upon death. With Ornn's upgrade, the S13 version of this item grants additional resistances and a stronger revive effect, ensuring a more durable and impactful presence in team fights.

3. Sunfire Aegis

The Sunfire Aegis offers tank champions increased durability and area-of-effect damage. When upgraded by S13 Ornn, this item gains bonus resistances and a more potent burn effect, making it a formidable choice for frontline champions.

4. Luden's Echo

Luden's Echo is a popular choice for ability power-focused champions, providing extra burst damage to their spells. Ornn's upgrade enhances this item by increasing its ability power and adding bonus magic damage to each ability cast.

5. Blade of the Ruined King

The Blade of the Ruined King is a staple item for attack speed-based champions, offering a mixture of damage, lifesteal, and a powerful active ability. Ornn's upgrade improves this item by granting additional attack damage, lifesteal, and a stronger active ability effect for shredding tanky opponents.

6. Zhonya's Hourglass

Zhonya's Hourglass is a defensive item that allows ability power champions to temporarily become invulnerable. With the S13 upgrade, this item gains bonus ability power and a longer duration of invulnerability, providing even more survivability in critical moments.

7. Thornmail

Thornmail is an essential item for countering enemy champions who rely heavily on basic attacks. Ornn's upgrade enhances this item by increasing its armor and returning more damage to attackers, punishing them for their aggression.

8. Redemption

Redemption is a supportive item that allows champions to heal and shield their allies from afar. The S13 upgrade improves this item by increasing its healing and shielding power, making it an even more valuable asset in team fights and skirmishes.

9. Lord Dominik's Regards

Lord Dominik's Regards is a crucial item for champions looking to deal with tanks and high-health opponents. Ornn's upgrade enhances this item by increasing its armor penetration and granting bonus attack damage, helping champions shred through their enemies' defenses.

10. Rapid Firecannon

Rapid Firecannon is an item that enhances the range and damage of basic attacks. With Ornn's upgrade, the S13 version of this item gains additional attack speed and a longer range for empowered attacks, making it a formidable choice for marksmen and other basic attack-focused champions.


In conclusion, Ornn's ability to upgrade his teammates' items in S13 adds a new dimension to strategic itemization in League of Legends. The list above provides an overview of the various equipment that can be upgraded by Ornn, showcasing the enhancements and benefits they bring to different champion archetypes. Whether it's increasing damage output, survivability, or utility, these upgraded items further amplify the impact of champions on the Summoner's Rift.









1. 奥恩,一个传奇的牛头将军,以其广博的领域知识和强大的力量而闻名。而他的神话装备,更是一直以来备受瞩目。

2. 我们来介绍他的装备之一——"巨角之盔"。这顶头盔是由顶级皮革精制而成,结合了先进的科技和古老的魔法。它不仅提供了强大的护甲,还赋予了奥恩增加生命值的能力。

3. 我们来看看奥恩的另一件装备——"神力之腕"。这双臂甲不仅保护了奥恩的手臂,还赋予了他更大的力量。它采用了独特的设计,使得奥恩在战斗中能够更加犀利地攻击敌人。

4. 奥恩还拥有一件强大的装备——"救世之盾"。这个盾牌不仅提供了额外的护甲,还能够吸收敌人的攻击,并将其转化为奥恩的生命值。这使得奥恩在战斗中更加难以被击败。

5. 另外一个非常重要的装备是"守护者之铠"。这件装备以其坚固耐用和强大的保护能力而闻名。它能够为奥恩提供额外的防御,并使其在战斗中更加不可战胜。

6. 正因为这些强大的装备,奥恩成为了一个真正的战士。他的力量和耐力远远超过其他角色,使得他成为了游戏中最受欢迎的角色之一。

7. 让我们来总结一下奥恩进化的神话装备。这些装备不仅提供了强大的护甲和攻击能力,还赋予了奥恩增加生命值和防御力的能力。它们的出现,不仅提升了奥恩角色的实力,也为玩家带来了更多的乐趣和挑战。

8. 奥恩进化的神话装备是游戏中非常重要的一部分。它们展示了皮革工艺的精湛和创新,同时为玩家提供了更多的选择和挑战。无论是在战斗中还是在玩家之间的竞争中,奥恩的神话装备都扮演着重要的角色。

9. 我们可以相信,奥恩的神话装备将继续在游戏中发挥重要的作用,并为我们带来更多的惊喜和乐趣。

10. 我们也期待着更多的神话装备的问世,以继续丰富游戏的内容和体验,为玩家带来更多的刺激和挑战。