英雄联盟(League of Legends)是一款全球热门的多人在线战略游戏,拥有着庞大的玩家群体。在这个游戏中,每个玩家都希望通过排位赛来提高自己的竞技水平和段位。而英雄联盟的排位补分机制就是一项重要的规则,它能够帮助玩家在游戏中得到更公平的竞技环境。


1. 什么是排位补分机制?


2. 补分机制如何工作?


3. 补分机制的作用是什么?


4. 补分机制的优势和局限性






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Title What Does LP Gain/Loss in Ranked Games of League of Legends Mean?


Ranked games in League of Legends (LOL) can be both thrilling and frustrating. One aspect of ranked games that often confuses players is LP gain/loss. In this article, we will explain the meaning of LP gain/loss in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, using everyday language and relatable examples.

1. The Essence of LP

LP stands for League Points, which are gained or lost through ranked games. LP reflects your skill level and determines your division or tier within the game's ranked system. It's like a currency that represents your progress and allows you to climb the ladder.

2. LP Gain Climbing Up the Ranks

When you win a ranked game, you gain LP. The amount of LP gained depends on several factors, including your current MMR (Matchmaking Rating) compared to the average MMR of your current rank. If your MMR is higher than your rank, you will gain more LP for a win, enabling you to climb the ranks more quickly. It's like receiving more rewards for outperforming expectations.

3. LP Loss Falling Down the Ladder

Similarly, losing a ranked game results in LP loss. The amount of LP lost also depends on your MMR relative to your rank. If your MMR is lower than your rank, you will lose more LP for a defeat, pushing you closer to demotion. It's like facing harsher consequences for underperforming.

4. Balancing the System

The MMR system aims to ensure fair matchmaking by matching players of similar skill levels together. If your MMR is significantly higher than your rank, you will face tougher opponents, but winning against them will reward you with more LP. Conversely, if your MMR is lower than your rank, you might be matched with slightly lower-skilled opponents, and losing against them will result in a greater LP loss.

5. Promotion and Demotion

Gaining a certain amount of LP within a division will grant you a promotion to the next division or tier. Conversely, if you reach 0 LP in a division and continue losing games, you risk being demoted to the lower division or tier. The idea is to consistently perform at the level expected for your current rank to make progress.


LP gain/loss is a crucial aspect of ranked games in LOL. It represents your progress and determines your division or tier within the ranked system. By winning games and outperforming your MMR, you can climb the ladder and earn more LP, accelerating your advancement. On the other hand, losing games and underperforming compared to your MMR can lead to a decline in LP, potentially resulting in demotion. Understanding the concept of LP gain/loss can help players grasp their current standing and work towards their desired rank.