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2. 精炼:通过使用精炼石将装备的品质提升,增加额外的属性加成。精炼分为+1至+10级,每级提升都会增加一定的属性百分比。不同装备的精炼属性加成也有所不同,玩家需要根据角色的职业和需求来选择适合的装备进行精炼。

3. 附魔:通过使用附魔石将装备附加额外的特殊属性,如火属性伤害增加、暴击几率提升等。附魔属性可以根据玩家的需求进行选择,并且可以通过精灵进行调整和改变。



1. 强化:对于龙神来说,强化装备是提升战斗能力的关键。在强化过程中,玩家需要根据自身需求和经济状况来选择合适的强化级别。在初级阶段,优先选择+6~+9级的强化,可以在不过于冒险的情况下提升装备的基础属性。

2. 精炼:龙神依赖技能的连击数来提高输出,因此精炼属性的选择非常重要。以武器为例,龙神可以选择提高暴击伤害或攻击速度的精炼属性,以增加角色的输出能力。

3. 附魔:在选择附魔属性时,龙神可以根据职业特点和技能使用频率来进行选择。提高火属性伤害可以增加龙神火龙技能的伤害效果,提高暴击几率可以增加龙神连击技能的触发几率。



1. 强化 vs 精炼:强化可以提高装备的基础属性,而精炼则可以增加额外的属性加成。在选择强化还是精炼时,玩家需要根据自身需求和装备属性来进行权衡。如果角色需要提高整体战斗数值,可以优先选择强化;如果角色需要提高特定属性的加成,可以优先选择精炼。

2. 精炼 vs 附魔:精炼可以提高装备的品质和属性百分比,而附魔则可以提供额外的特殊属性。在选择精炼还是附魔时,玩家需要根据角色职业和技能需求来进行权衡。如果角色需要提高整体属性加成,可以优先选择精炼;如果角色需要增加特定技能的效果,可以优先选择附魔。


DNF Dragon God Crafting Details


In the game DNF (Dungeon Fighter Online), the Dragon God is an advanced character. Players can not only improve their character's strength by leveling up but also enhance their combat ability by crafting equipment. This article will use the Dragon God in DNF as an example to explore the relevant knowledge of Dragon God crafting details. The aim is to help players better understand and apply the techniques in this aspect.


I. Definition and Classification of Equipment Crafting

In DNF, equipment crafting refers to the process of using specific materials, procedures, and techniques to modify the original equipment in order to add attributes or improve quality, thus enhancing the character's combat ability. Equipment crafting can be divided into three categories based on different methods and purposes enhancement, refinement, and enchantment.

1. Enhancement Enhancing the basic attributes of equipment using enhancement stones to increase its combat values. Enhancement ranges from +1 to +12 levels, with each level providing certain attribute bonuses. However, as the enhancement level increases, the failure rate also gradually increases, requiring players to weigh the risks and benefits before deciding to enhance the equipment.

2. Refinement Improving the quality of equipment and adding additional attribute bonuses by using refinement stones. Refinement ranges from +1 to +10 levels, with each level providing a certain percentage increase in attributes. Different equipment have different refinement attribute bonuses, and players need to choose the appropriate equipment for refinement based on their character's class and needs.

3. Enchantment Enchanting equipment with additional special attributes using enchantment stones, such as increasing fire damage or critical hit chance. Enchantment attributes can be chosen according to the player's needs and can be adjusted and changed through fairies.

II. Examples of Dragon God Crafting Details in DNF

Using the Dragon God as an example, the following examples will illustrate the relevant knowledge of Dragon God crafting details in DNF.

1. Enhancement For the Dragon God, enhancing equipment is the key to improving combat ability. During the enhancement process, players need to choose the appropriate enhancement level based on their needs and economic situation. For example, in the early stages, it is recommended to prioritize enhancements from +6 to +9, which can enhance the basic attributes of equipment without taking excessive risks.

2. Refinement The Dragon God relies on the number of consecutive hits from skills to increase output, so the choice of refinement attributes becomes crucial. Taking weapons as an example, the Dragon God can choose refinement attributes that increase critical hit damage or attack speed to increase the character's output ability.

3. Enchantment When choosing enchantment attributes, the Dragon God can consider the class characteristics and frequency of skill usage. For example, increasing fire damage can enhance the damage effect of the Dragon God's Fire Dragon skill, while increasing critical hit chance can increase the triggering chance of the Dragon God's combo skills.

III. Comparison of Dragon God Crafting Details in DNF

Different crafting details in DNF have different effects on a character's combat ability. The following are some common comparisons of crafting details for players to reference.

1. Enhancement vs Refinement Enhancement can increase the basic attributes of equipment, while refinement can add additional attribute bonuses. When choosing between enhancement and refinement, players need to consider their needs and equipment attributes. If the character needs to improve overall combat values, enhancement can be prioritized; if the character needs to increase the bonus of specific attributes, refinement can be prioritized.

2. Refinement vs Enchantment Refinement can improve the quality and percentage attribute bonuses of equipment, while enchantment can provide additional special attributes. When choosing between refinement and enchantment, players need to consider their character's class and skill requirements. If the character needs to improve overall attribute bonuses, refinement can be prioritized; if the character needs to enhance the effect of specific skills, enchantment can be prioritized.


Through the exposition of the definition, classification, examples, and comparisons of Dragon God crafting details in DNF, we can see the importance of equipment crafting for a character's combat ability. When crafting Dragon God equipment in DNF, players should choose suitable crafting methods based on their character's needs and economic situation. They should also continue to explore and experiment in the game to improve their character's strength and gaming experience.